Hotel Facilities

Hotel Grand Chancellor Launceston Facilities and Amenities

Make the most of your stay at Hotel Grand Chancellor Launceston.

For your comfort and convenience, Hotel Grand Chancellor Launceston offers the following services and amenities:

  • Complimentary Wi-Fi access for hotel guests
  • Car parking - onsite, adjacent to the hotel (charges apply)
  • 24-hour room service
  • Android hospitality tvs with smart services including chrome casting
  • In-house guest laundry available (charges apply)
  • Valet dry-cleaning available (charges apply)

Vector icon for Business & IT used at Hotel Grand Chancellor Launceston

Business & IT

  • PC & Printer in Foyer with internet access (charges apply)
  • Photocopying and faxing available (charges apply)

Vector icon for Retail used at Hotel Grand Chancellor Launceston


Hotel retail stores include:

  • Relax Remedial Massage Studio
  • C.P.A.P
  • Avis
  • Da Vinci Nail Salon
  • JCE Positive Outcomes
  • Timeless Elegance Bridal & Formal Wear